Why you Should take Social Security at 62?

In this article the focus revolves around elucidating reasons for considering early withdrawal of Social Security at 62, as opposed to waiting until 70. Ryan navigates through multiple scenarios, demonstrating that taking Social Security early can reduce the financial load on one’s investment portfolio, particularly if they retire around 59 and a half or 60, by compensating a portion of their income needs, thereby aiding the longevity of their funds.

He underscores considerations like potential health issues, unavoidable financial burdens, and strategic financial planning (e.g., optimizing taxation on benefits) as valid reasons to leverage early benefits. Ryan also highlights the importance of a dynamic strategy, emphasizing that one might choose to delay the Social Security claim beyond 62 if initial retirement years financially prosper, essentially promoting a flexible, scenario-dependent approach.

While offering some key insights and advocating for the prudent utilization of Social Security, he emphasizes that tailored financial advice from professionals and thorough analysis should guide personalized decisions on when to access Social Security benefits.

Why You Should Take Social Security at 62

Are you approaching retirement age and contemplating when to begin receiving your Social Security benefits? The decision of when to start taking Social Security can be a complex one, with numerous factors to consider. In this article, we will make a compelling case for why you should consider taking your Social Security at 62.

Retirement planning is a crucial part of financial well-being, and Social Security benefits play a significant role in it. Many individuals grapple with the question of whether to take Social Security early or delay it until a later age, typically around the full retirement age or even as late as age 70. While there are valid arguments for delaying, let’s explore why taking Social Security at 62 might be the right choice for some individuals.

Immediate Relief for Early Retirees

If you plan to retire at or around age 60 or 59 and a half, taking Social Security at 62 can provide immediate financial relief. At age 59 and a half, you can access the funds in your 401(k) or IRA without incurring the 10% IRS penalty for early withdrawals. However, retiring at 60 means you’ll still need to rely on your retirement portfolio to cover your living expenses.

Consider a hypothetical scenario of a married couple with a million-dollar retirement portfolio and an annual income need of $70,000. If they retire at 60, their portfolio must sustain them for three years until they reach age 62. By claiming Social Security benefits at 62, the income from Social Security reduces the amount the portfolio needs to generate each year significantly. This can help extend the longevity of their savings.

Mitigating Sequence of Returns Risk

Market volatility is an inherent risk in retirement planning. If you retire at 59 and a half and experience a few consecutive years of poor market performance, your portfolio could take a substantial hit. This situation exposes you to the sequence of returns risk, which occurs when market losses early in retirement can significantly impact the longevity of your savings.

By claiming Social Security at 62, you reduce the reliance on your portfolio for income, allowing it more time to recover if you encounter a sequence of poor market returns in the initial years of retirement. This can help protect your financial stability during retirement.

Uncertain Longevity

Your life expectancy is a significant factor to consider when deciding when to claim Social Security. If you have concerns about your longevity due to health issues or other factors, it may make sense to start receiving benefits at 62. After all, you’ve paid into the Social Security system throughout your working years, and it’s your right to receive those benefits, regardless of how long you ultimately live.

If your health is a concern, taking Social Security early ensures you can enjoy the benefits and use them to enhance your quality of life during your retirement years.

Unexpected Financial Needs

Life is unpredictable, and unexpected financial needs can arise at any time. Whether it’s medical expenses, home repairs, or other unforeseen circumstances, having access to Social Security benefits at 62 can provide a financial safety net when you need it most. It’s crucial to be prepared for unexpected expenses and have a source of income readily available.

Tax Considerations

Social Security benefits may be subject to income tax depending on your provisional income. Provisional income is the sum of your adjusted gross income, tax-exempt interest, and one-half of your Social Security benefits. If you have low or no provisional income in your early retirement years, taking Social Security at 62 can result in lower taxation of your benefits.

For example, if you anticipate additional retirement income sources, such as an annuity, becoming taxable at a later age, claiming Social Security early can reduce your overall tax burden during your early retirement years.


The decision of when to take Social Security is a highly individual one and should be based on your unique financial situation and goals. While delaying Social Security can result in higher monthly benefits in the future, there are compelling reasons to consider taking it at age 62, as discussed above.

It’s essential to consult with a qualified financial advisor who can help you analyze your specific circumstances and make an informed decision about when to claim your Social Security benefits. Remember that Social Security is a valuable resource that you’ve earned throughout your working years, and by understanding the benefits of claiming it at 62, you can make the right choice to secure your financial future in retirement.

Also read: Can You Retire With 1 Million?


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